Legal Notice

Welcome to our website (including its private area),, (the “Website”), managed and operated by NATURA BISSÉ INTERNATIONAL LIMITED a United Kingdom company.

Natura Bissé International Limited is a subsidiary of Natura Bissé International, S.A., a Spanish company (both jointly referred to as “Natura Bissé”).

Natura Bissé informs you that it complies with the current regulations of the United Kingdom, as well as with the applicable European Union regulations.

Our identification data

Natura Bissé International Limited
Address: Fourth Floor 15, Grosvenor Gardens, London, United Kingdom, SW1W OBD.
Contact email for customer service:

Bissé International, S.A. Address: Calle Creu Casas i Sicart 96, Parc de l’Alba, 08290 Cerdanyola del Vallés, Barcelona, Spain

1. User of our website

This Legal Notice (the "Legal Notice") establishes the conditions that regulate the use of the services that we make available to users through our website.

Any use of a link or access to a website not belonging to Natura Bissé is carried out at the sole will, responsibility and risk of the User and, to this effect, Natura Bissé does not recommend or guarantee any information obtained through a link not belonging to our Website and shall not be held responsible for any loss, claim or damage derived from the use or misuse of a link and/or information obtained through it, including other links or websites, interruption in service or access, interruption in service or access, or any other interruption in service or access, claim or damage arising from the use or misuse of a link and/or the information obtained through it, including other links or websites, from the interruption in service or access, or from the attempt to use or misuse a link, both when connecting to our Website and when accessing information from other websites from ours.

Natura Bissé reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications and updates to our Website and its contents, configuration, and presentation, including this Legal Notice, and we therefore recommend that you read it before accessing and browsing our website.

2. Information about the links

At Natura Bissé shall not be held liable for websites other than its own, which can be accessed through links, or any content made available by third parties.

Any use of a link or access to a Website not belonging not own, is made at the exclusive will and risk of the User and Natura Bissé does not recommend or guarantee any information obtained through a link not belonging to Natura Bissé nor shall it be liable for any loss, claim or damage arising from the use or misuse of a link, or of the information obtained through it, including other links or websites, of the interruption in the service or in the access, or of the attempt to use or to misuse a link, both when connecting to our Website and when accessing the information of other webs from our website.

3. Links from the external websites

The provisions of section 10 below shall apply. In any case, we may remove any link, frame or similar link that may be established to our Website that we deem appropriate at our own discretion without the need for authorisation and/or notification in this regard.

Likewise, it is expressly prohibited to establish links from pages that contain statements or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, or pornographic nature, in support of terrorism, against human rights or any other that is illicit or contrary to morality and public order. Under no circumstances may it be implied or declared that Natura Bissé intervenes, endorses, promotes, participates in or has supervised in any way the contents of the page where the link appears, or even that it consents to its incursion, except with express authorisation.

4. Privacy Policy information

In United Kingdom, Natura Bissé in compliance with the provisions of The Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR, informs you that the data provided by the User through any means on the Website will be treated in strict accordance with our Privacy Policy.

5. Information on the use of cookies

We use cookies on this website. The purpose of these cookies is to improve the service we offer to our customers and visitors. If you want to know more about the use of cookies, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

6. Disclaimer and limitation of liability

We always implement the appropriate security measures in order to present Website users with appropriate, certain and updated information and services. However, it reserves the right to rectify certain aspects which may, eventually and fortuitously, be inaccurate, out of date or erroneous.

We have obtained the information and materials included on the Website from sources considered reliable, but although the corresponding measures have been taken to ensure that the information contained is correct, it does not guarantee that it is exact or updated.

You are also hereby informed that the contents of this Website have two purposes, an informative purpose in terms of quality, location, services and rates, and another purpose of sale of services, as provided in this legal notice and other legal texts in this website.

7. Information on technical aspects

Natura Bissé declines any liability in the event of interruptions or malfunctioning of the services or content offered on the Internet, whatever their cause. Likewise, we shall not be held responsible for network failures, loss of information as a result of such failures, temporary suspensions of the electricity supply or any other type of indirect damage that may be caused to users through no fault of our own.

Natura Bissé does not declare or guarantee that the services or contents will be uninterrupted or free of errors, that defects will be corrected, or that the service or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components, without prejudice to the fact that we make our best efforts to avoid this type of incident. In the event that the User takes certain decisions or performs certain actions based on the information included on our website, we recommend checking the information received with other sources.

8. Industrial and intellectual property

The contents provided by Natura Bissé as well as the contents poured into the network through its web pages, constitute a piece of work in the sense of the legislation on intellectual property for which they are protected by the laws and international agreements applicable in the matter.

Any form of reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, making available and, in general, any other act of public exploitation referring to both the websites and their contents and information, without the express prior written consent of Natura Bissé is forbidden.

Consequently, all the contents shown on the different websites and particularly, designs, texts, graphs, logos, icons, buttons, software, trade names, trademarks, industrial designs or any other signs susceptible of industrial and commercial use are subject to the intellectual and industrial property rights of Natura Bissé® or of third-party owners who have duly authorized their inclusion on the different websites.

Content, images, forms, opinions, indexes, and other formal expressions that form part of the web pages, as well as the software required for the operation and visualization thereof, also constitute a work in the sense of the Copyright and are, therefore, protected by the applicable international conventions and national legislation on Intellectual Property. Failure to comply with the above implies the commission of serious illegal acts and a penalty under civil and criminal law.
Any act whereby Users of the services or content can exploit or use commercially, directly, or indirectly, in whole or in part, any of the contents, images, forms, indexes and other formal expressions that form part of the websites are strictly forbidden without the previous written permission of Natura Bissé.

Specifically, and not limited thereto, actions involving the reproduction, distribution, exhibition, transmission, retransmission, emission in any form, storage in physical or logical supports (for example, diskettes or computer hard disk), digitalization or making available from data bases other that those authorized by Natura Bissé as well as their translation, adaptation, arrangement or any other transformation of said opinions, images, forms, indexes and other formal expressions that are made available to Users through the services or contents, insofar as such acts are subject to the applicable legislation on intellectual, industrial or image protection property, are forbidden.

Natura Bissé is free to limit access to the websites, and to the products and/or services offered therein, in addition to the consequent publication of opinions, observations, images or comments that Users may send via e-mail.

In this sense, we may establish, if it deems appropriate, without prejudice to the sole and exclusive responsibility of Users, the filters required to prevent the flow into the network through its websites of content or opinions considered racist, xenophobic, discriminatory, pornographic, defamatory or that promote violence or the dissemination of content that is clearly illegal or harmful in any way.

It is understood that Users who send emails via our website, with suggestions, observations, opinions or comments, unless they clearly and irrefutably express the opposite, when possible given the nature of the services or contents, authorize us for the reproduction, distribution, exhibition, transmission, retransmission, emission in any format, storage in physical or logical supports (for example, diskettes or computer hard disk), digitization, making available from data bases belonging to Natura Bissé translation, adaptation, arrangement or any other transformation of such observations, opinions or comments, for as long as legally established for the protection of copyright.

Also, it is understood that this authorization is made free of charge, and that by the mere fact of sending such observations, opinions or comments by email, the User declines any claim for compensation by Natura Bissé.

In accordance with the paragraph above, Natura Bissé likewise authorized to modify or alter such observations, opinions, or comments in order to adapt them to the editorial format requirements of the web pages, without it being understood that there is any type of injury to any of the moral faculties of copyright that Users may hold over them.

Any of the technical, logical, or technological resources under which a third party may benefit, directly or indirectly, with or without profit, from each and every one of the contents, forms, indexes and other formal expressions that form part of the websites, or from the effort carried out by Natura Bissé for its operation, are prohibited.

Specifically, any link, frame or similar link that may be established to our websites are forbidden, without the prior, express written consent of the Users. Any infringement of the provisions of this point will be considered as a breach of the legitimate intellectual property rights of Natura Bissé on the Website and all the contents thereof.

Natura Bissé will take no responsibility for consequences arising from the conduct and actions mentioned above, in the same way that it will take no responsibility for the contents, services, products, etc., of third parties that can be accessed directly or through banners, links, hyperlinks, framing or similar links from our websites.

V01. June 2022.

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